affection on hearts???
Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013
? Maybe the word " affection " sounds a bit strange if voiced in
layman ears . But not for the ears of psychology students . Affection in
general can be interpreted as compassion , tender feelings and emotions ( KBBI
, 2013) . Discuss a little more about affection . Maybe for some people that
meant that there was a feeling in the heart. How a concept that has become
entrenched public consumption and become misguided . Many pictures of this
affection , ranging from love story that always describe parts of the heart as
a true reflection of feelings , words such as " divide my chest " to
" I love you from the deepest heart " . Maybe all those words no
longer be the percussion in every story of life in the community . But is not
the words that had been entrenched into an understanding that even this nation
to the brink dropping science astray . As there is no gap anymore to justify
the depiction of the feelings and hearts are already entrenched .
little explanation of affection notabenya is a part of the human central
nervous system , in this case is closely related to affective cognition .
Humans are creatures of God is the most special among other creatures that God
has an organ that could be considered a very special and perfect , namely the
brain . The structure of the organs is what makes a special privilege for
humans . Parts that have been coordinated to perfection by the mighty Supreme
Essence , Allah Azza Wajala . No exception affection , is a special package
which is controlled by the human central nervous system . Organ in the human
brain , there is a section called the amygdala and septum that was responsible
for the management of human feelings and emotions . System is not working alone
has a correlation with other parts of the organ is capable of receiving a
stimulus to the central nervous system to produce a response such as crying ,
laughing , and associated with feelings of compassion .
of the liver as the headquarters of the feeling must have been imbedded deep
into individual memory . Liver is located adjacent to the hull has a function
as an organ of excretion and also helps the kidneys to break down compounds
that are toxic ( Aryulina , Muslim , et al , 2004) . It's always fatal when
affection disangkut pautkan with liver not been justified .
It could be said that the perception that has been ingrained in the minds of the majority of our society is the victim of wrong depiction of the feeling . Obviously we do not want to be labeled as schizophrenic if you suddenly go into the community and throw the phrase " my brain has been destroyed because you're married to someone else and hurt my feelings " . Not that easy to change other people's thinking . It takes a special closeness and sense of course . We as humans are able to accommodate all of the information , it should not accept everything raw. For that Islam forbids us bertaqlid because correction for all the information that we receive is very important .
It could be said that the perception that has been ingrained in the minds of the majority of our society is the victim of wrong depiction of the feeling . Obviously we do not want to be labeled as schizophrenic if you suddenly go into the community and throw the phrase " my brain has been destroyed because you're married to someone else and hurt my feelings " . Not that easy to change other people's thinking . It takes a special closeness and sense of course . We as humans are able to accommodate all of the information , it should not accept everything raw. For that Islam forbids us bertaqlid because correction for all the information that we receive is very important .
Dinda Rahmawati
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