Parenting Affects Children's Cognitive
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Cognitive psychology is a science that investigates the human mindset . It discusses , among others, in the perception of information , discuss the understanding of information , discuss the reasoning , and discuss the formulation and production of the mind . Cognitive psychology can be viewed as the study of the processes underlying social dynamics and covers everything that we do . ( Robert L.Solso . , Otto H. Maclin . , M.Kimberly Maclin , 2007 : 2 ) .
At that befell kassus AQJ , famous musician Ahmad Dhani children could be made as an example of how to think will greatly affect an individual act . A 13 -year -old child in which a pattern of thinking that is still not controlled and is still in the early adolescent phase allows a child to find his true identity as a human being . The influence of the environment, especially the family let alone style as a learner parents will be able to provide large pengaruhyang the development and thought patterns of a teenager .
AQJ are educated with the material perfection and freedom of thought in the mix making AQJ structured into independent thinking without any filters that age should still not required to perform an action that should be done by an adult . This way of thinking like him to take action where the action he believes is right without thinking really mature that concerned about risks and responsibilities that befall him if something undesirable things like the current natural AQJ .
As a lesson for all parents to have a baby that Indonesia is one of the trials that have a great responsibility to educate and nurture . Parents should be is able to understand the child's upbringing portion so that children will not be one of perception in a given parenting . Because parenting is where the future will bring and how the child will think . In addition to parental environmental influences also contribute significantly in the formation of character and mindset of children.
Parenting or parenting often called mean how parents treat children , educate , guide and discipline and protecting the child in achieving process maturity , up to the efforts to establish the norms expected by the general public ( Casmini , 2007: 47 ) . According to Baumrind parenting in principle is parental control . Kohn said that parenting is the way parents interact with the child that include , the provision of the rules , reward, punishment , and giving attention , and responses to children's behavior ( Casmini , 2007:47 ) . Basically parenting can be interpreted across the way treatment is applied to the child's parents . Many experts say child care ( child rearing ) is an important and fundamental part , prepare children to become good people ( Wiwit Wahyuning . , Jash . , & Metta Rachmadian , 2003 : 126 ) .
Democratic parenting encourages children to be independent , but still placing limits and controls on their actions . Parents prefer to be warm and loving ( Santrock , 2007: 167 ) . Parenting is rational and democratic approach . Parents are very attentive to the needs of children and provide them with consideration 18 factors realistic interests and needs . Parents also supervise the activities of children . Parents give a sense of freedom with responsibility , that the children can do activities and socialize with others . Merekategas and consistent in setting standards . If I need to use hukunan an effort to show kids the consequences of a violation , of the application of the rational form of punishment . In general, they combine control and encouragement , which at the same time they control the behavior of children and encourage to meet existing regulations in the family by following the standard applied ( Wiwit Wahyuning . , Jash . , & Metta Rachmadian , 2003:131 ) .
In this parenting there is good communication between parents and children . Open attitude between children and parents , who made the rules agreed upon . Children are given the freedom to express opinions , feelings and desires , but kept the supervision and responsibility demands appropriately . Parents not only the wishes of children alone , but at the same time teach the important needs of the child . In general, they combine control and encouragement , which at the same time they control the behavior of children and encourage to meet existing regulations in the family by following the standard applied .
Perceptions of democratic parenting parents is a complex cognitive process of how people select , organize and interpret the inputs of information , experiences , and responses related to parents' parenting is democratic . Parents make the rules together with the children , being open . Children are given the freedom to express opinions , feelings and desires , but kept the supervision and responsibility demands appropriately . Parents not only the wishes of children alone , but at the same time teach the important needs of the child . In general, older people combine control and encouragement , which at the same time they keep an eye on children's behavior and encouraged to meet existing regulations in the family with the following standards were applied . Then the child will interpret it to create a meaningful whole picture regarding parenting parents democratic through the five senses possessed . So that if a child perceives his parents' parenting positively received by the child 's experience , then it is also likely to have a positive impact on the activities , attitudes and behavior of children ,child choices and decisions.
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