Human Memory
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
In general, most of the human
activities depend on the memory of
every individual. Memory that we have, this very useful and really help us in doing
every activities. For example, the memory
that we have is we
can do it over and over, using the knowledge or information
that we receive
through our senses, and with this memory can determine the
identity of an individual based
on past experiences he had ever had. With memory we can recall the events of
the most fun and the most scary. Therefore, our
memory is very important and useful.
In terms of
psychology known short-term
memory (STM) and
long-term memory (LTM). Long-term memory (LTM) is a
vast repository that
contains information and knowledge. While short-term memory
(STM) is a
repository of information or knowledge which has
a more limited than long-term memory. This is a scheme of information processing:

Attention Rehearse
My opinion, based on the scheme above, the information obtained individual to keep in
mind to go on long-term memory. That information in order to entered on the long-term
memory must occur
repetition. The more repetitions, the
obtained information easier to remember. But on the contrary if it is less repetition, it will be easy to forget the information we get. Turned out, it is complicated process that occurs in our
source : Solso, Robert L. dkk. (2007). Psikologi Kognitif. Erlangga: Jakarta.
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