the corruption based on psychological theory

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

     Corruption is an individual behavior that has become commonplace among the people of Indonesia. Corruption is an act that involves a variety of things that are complex where the corruption is an individual action that is based upon the desire to get or take advantage because of the authority or power . Basically the behavior of individuals in corruption cases are caused by two factors: internal and external factors . Internal factors are caused by factors that originate from within the individual . While external factors from the environment that supports the individual to commit acts of corruption .Behavior of individuals to commit acts of corruption are closely related to values , morality , understanding and practice of values which will then determine the extent to which a person behaves . Someone who does not understand or comprehend , but it is not able to practice , let alone not understand and practice a value that there is in him , he will tend to behave deviate from these values . In the case of corruption , it is known that the act is abusing the authority that has been mandated to someone . Ha can be caused because the individual already has a tendency ( properties ) to cheat , so this is related to personality factors present in an individual . Besides environmental factors is a factor that can’t be ignored because people in the reality also within the community in carrying out activities and his life .Corruption in Indonesia is a phenomenon that contains concerns . Due to the fact that most individuals are essentially already have a stock of moral cultivation from an early age , even a child is getting the moral cultivation of the family , even the arch school to college , so that in these conditions , otherwise the education world has failed in producing generation intelligence intelligent , emotionally , and spiritually . So this should immediately get the right solution . reappointed importance of moral and character education should be integrated into one of the subjects taught in schools should be a concern . For that moral cultivation is to be relevant to the issue .In view of psychology , the internal behavior of the causes of corruption can be viewed in terms of moral personality is the concept of moral development was first put forward by Piaget . In view of Piaget , the two processes underlying the development of the individual is organizing and adjustment ( Santrock , 2002) consisting of assimilation and accommodation . Where this behavior occurs when individuals combine  information into existing knowledge and then the individual adapts to new information obtained . Piaget 's theory carried over development  as a process of adaptation to environmental efforts . ( Robert L Solso , 2007) . In this case if the corruption in terms of Piaget thought , individuals who commit acts of corruption are essentially individual moral cultivation has been getting since the beginning , but the individual will have the accommodations for moral failure .Piaget's theory later became the inspiration for Kohlberg . It is a study of Kohlberg is concentrated on the arguments and the development of children 's own arguments . Kohlberg examined how children think through their experiences which include the understanding of moral concepts . According to prospective cognitive moral development , individual moral capacity to be more complicated and complex if the individual is an additional moral structure at each increasing level of cognitive moral development growth . External growth comes from rewards and punishments are given , while internal growth and leads to the principle of universal justice . Where the individual is the theory of conventional stage , the Mutual interpersonal expectations , relationships and compatibility . ( " Good boy or good girl " orientation)Sources : Individual Ethics : Patterns of Moral Philosophy Association ( Burhanuddin Salam , 2000) .External factors that affect a person's behavior can be attributed to corruption attribution theory in social psychology . Attribution is a process which helps to understanding the causes of behavior and is an important mediator for the person's reaction to the social world ( Tri Power Kisni , 2006) in which individual behavior is caused by dis positional factors ( internal factors / in ) , such as the nature , character , attitude , and forth , or caused by external circumstances , such as pressure situations or circumstances that force someone to do a particular act . Attribution is a cognitive process in which one draws conclusions about the factors that influence or make sense of the behavior of others or himself . Characteristics of attribution theory is that rational human beings and are encouraged to identify and understand the causes of the environment , in which the internal forces ( personal factors such as ability , effort , and fatigue ) and external forces ( environmental factors such as rules ) together determine human behavior . So from the above description of individual behavior in corruption is the failure of individuals to internalize and accommodations for the behavior after the assimilation phase , in addition to the person's behavior is caused by the habit of the individual in adapting to the social environment .

BibliographyRobert L. Solso , O. H. ( 2007) . Cognitive Psychology . New York: McGraw .Santrock , J. W. (2002 ) . Life Span Development . New York: McGraw .Tri Power Kisni , H. (2006 ) . Social Psychology . Malang : UMM Press .

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