Cognitive Psychology to Help Understand the World

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar

As the development of a wide range of diversity in the world of technology . Come a lot of new things that we never expected by our rational . All sorts of changes that can not be separated from the development mindset within our brain , where the brain does not want just a constant and neutral but want a change from the previous 've always wanted . It is inevitable that we go through life more or less controlled by our brain . Because the brain will never stop working as long as we are given the ability to breathe by Allah SWT . world research says that people as smart as Albert Einstein have investigated the ability of the brain in use just 13 % only. It indicates that the brain actually has the ability unpredictable . So it should be little by little we should try to learn what exactly it is and why the brain processes the majority of our lives are controlled or run by the brain .
In the world there is a branch of psychology known as Cognitive Psychology . Where cognition itself has a sense of thinking ( procces of though ) . More specifically , cognitive psychology is a theoretical approach to psychology that studies the structure and human mental processes that include the acquisition , storage , retrieval and use of knowledge . Not only have we learned later his mental learning in Cognitive Psychology , where we will also be introduced to the structure of the human mental . Why only a man, why does not God's creatures ? Because as long as there has been no study that analyzes the brain or animal cognition with more detailed and specific .
The brain that we have continued to evolve in the future , and will never be able to evolve backwards , because people want to know and was filled with new knowledge . It is a principle of the brain , that the brain will continue to degenerate cognition .
History of science Cognitive Psychology is the brainchild of two prominent
psikology between Plato and Aristotle on the definition of a knowledge able man . Plato explains that humans always think logically while Aristotle thought that the man is always thinking empirically , so anything that is in the world it must be real and verifiable by everyone . Evolved from Aristotle to John Locke thought that man has always been the object from its surroundings , was never placed into the subject . Further evolving thinking of John Locke is thinking Functionalism ( William James ) that manusian was doing all their activities because they know its function as a human being . Further to understand the behaviorism of Watson containing human will be able to interact if there is a strong stimulus he can . From there emerged the cognitive psychology and contains about understand , describe , analyze , and predict or can say it was all a process of thinking .

if we want to understand this world, then the key is to learn to understand what is in our brain. because the world continues to evolve as the development of thinking in our brains. psychology and the world has a way of help in understanding the brain is to have a branch of science called cognitive psychology. where in the lesson will discuss all things related to the human brain that can make up a lot of variety in this life.

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