Posted by Unknown Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013 0 komentar
Electra Complex

Electra Complex is Freud theorized the Oedipus complex for both boys and girls, he later segregated girls and boys by proposing the feminine Oedipus attitude, which was modified by Freud's student Carl Jung as Electra complex.
The Electra Complex is the Oedipus complex for girls. This complex makes the daughter portray tendencies of 'Penis Envy'- whereby she is attracted to her father and wishes to have his affection. She also begins to view her mother as a competitor.
While in the phallic stage, the girl's id realizes that it cannot possess the mother because of a lack of penis and therefore focuses her affection upon her father. This directing of sexual desires upon the opposite sex plays a vital role in developing the girl's ego or sexual identity, and paving the path for heterosexual femininity. Once the girl's phallic stage is over, her erogenous zone shifts to the adult vagina from the infantile clitoris. Freud also claimed that a girl's negative Oedipus complex is comparatively more intense than the male Oedipus complex.
According to Freud, balanced and harmonious upbringing of the girl during her phallic stage is of extreme importance, in order to ensure that the girl begins to identify with her mother. Her superego develops and allows her to internalize and comply with morality as well as feel guilt, so that she can differentiate between right and wrong.
The theory of Oedipus complex is fraught with criticism and controversy. While some psychoanalysts choose to refute the theory in its entirety, there are others who have accepted its universality to an extent.

By Syafitri Rahmania Ulfah (12410149)
Reference Mohan, Rohimi. (2012). Article Psychology.

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