Think for the sake of expediency
Sabtu, 23 November 2013
Humans are the most beautiful masterpieces that have been created by Allah through the centuries of life . It is evident from the ability of human beings very different when compared to other creatures . One striking difference is Humans have the ability to think . Thinking is a process that is done in utilizing the human mind possessed to understand their environment . So it can be seen that one of the features that have the potential of human beings to understand and Interpret the surrounding environment . One component of human support in the venture is the brain .
The brain essentially functions to regulate and coordinate most of the movement , behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heart , blood pressure , body fluid balance , and body temperature ( Hernanta , 2013) so that it can be seen from the statement that the brain is an important component in the human body because the brain have the duty to regulate all human activity undertaken , be it biological or psychological nature as well as human thought .
For most normal people think is an activity that will always be human and can not be avoided . In any situation and any condition can not be denied that thinking is a need that will continue to be a human for human life on earth . In the process of human cognition or thinking will always be supported by the activation of the human brain .
All human activity that is either visible or invisible brain who will contribute in supporting every inch of the activity . In the human brain there are parts that can support these activities , such as attention and cognitive processes . Based on the anatomic according Iyan hernanta in medicine complete book on neuroscience , human brain is divided into four sections , namely :
1 . cerebrum ( large brain )
make human cerebrum have ability to think , use logic , language , have the awareness , planning , visual memory abilities .
2 . cerebellum ( little brain )
Cerebellum controls many automatic functions of the brain
3 . Brainstem ( brainstem )
Part of the brain regulates basic human functions , including breathing , heart rate , body temperature, regulate digestion , and is a source of basic human instinct .
4 . the limbic system
limbic system saves a lot of information that is untouched by the senses .
From the description above it can be concluded that in the face of the problems of life , has been awarded a human brain has the capacity to solve the problem by analyzing and using logic , so if humans are able to think wisely so in essence he will be able to take decisions carefully and be careful , the next is the brain ( cerebellum ) humans have the ability to do all the activities that are automatically without thinking deeply .
The function of the brain ( brainstem ) are very helpful in regulating human physiological and biological systems of human , so human beings naturally have the ability to meet homoestasis who have owned . The next part of the brain ( limbic ) capable of carrying humans to have the sensitivity and emotions that humans are able to do exactly the right an attentional process .
From the description above we can known that humans are a creation of God that was amazing. Where man has an intellect that can lead him to live a long lunge and bitter sweetness of life , especially human beings are required to decide what to do everything properly . Discourse has become so common that humans have have all the potential needed to carry out the mission , which is to become caliph fil ard ,
So now the question is . have we tried to power our potential , and could we as humans live our lives precisely to be Caliph fil ard . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for it think a clearly, because in a way that will deliver to us at the discretion .
Hernanta , I. ( 2013) . ilmu kedokteran lengkap dan neurosains . Jogjakarta : D - Medika ( Member IKAPI ) .
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