Posted by Unknown Kamis, 28 November 2013 0 komentar
AWARENESS. This word is familiar dipendengaran us, is not it? But we know what the real meaning? Not infrequently the author describes about consciousness, such as whether consciousness. This is how. How important role. Well, here I want to share a bit of knowledge about consciousness.
Well, my friends can guess what kind of meaning ? Stuart Sutherland (British psychologist) provide an assessment of the consciousness, ie consciousness is an amazing phenomenon but elusive; difficult to specify what is consciousness, what consciousness, and why consciousness evolved. William James (1890-1950) depicts the mind as a stream of consciousness ( stream of consciousness) continuous flow of sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings are constantly changing. Our mind is racing from one topic to the next topic : just as today we wake up from sleep, go into the bathroom, getting ready to go to college, then walked toward the campus , whom we met on the street, until finally we sit in class and listen to our professors talk clearly explain the material .
In everyday life we certainly do a lot of activities. However, the activity of many. Surely there are some that we do outside of our awareness. Could you please specify what it is? A simple example is running . Do you think running was a conscious activity? That road is a reflex movement. Which moves away without us knowing. How many steps we walked. That right or kirikah the first step. What is the distance span every step. We do not know right?
Well, we look at the function of consciousness itself there are several, including by Baars & McGovern (1996 ) :
• Context-setting : working systems to define the context and knowledge of a stimuli that come into memory. Role : clarify an understanding of the relevant stimulus.
• Adaptation and learning : to successfully handle new information
• Prioritization and access functions : to access large amount of information available at the unconscious level.
• Recruitment & Control : consciousness enters the motor system to perform conscious actions.
• Decision-making and executive : bringing information and resources out of the unconscious to assist decision-making and implementation of control.
• Detection & editing mistake : focusing on the awareness that we are entering the system norm (which is in the unconscious level) so ourselves "we" (the conscious) can know when we make mistakes.
• Monitor-self (self - monitoring) : control functions and are not aware of the self-conscious ; forms of self-reflection, internal conversations, and imagery .
• Organizing & flexibility : it allows us to rely on the automatic functions in predictable situations ; enters the resources of specialized knowledge in unexpected situations .

(Solso, Robert L, Dkk. 2007. Psikologi Kognitif Edisi 8)

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