From an introduction by Albert Einstein : " any man who is willing to drive car safely while kissing a pretty girl means no kissing in earnest ! (what do you think about it ? )

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 08 November 2013 0 komentar

Once you read an instruction from my title , what sensations do you get? What is your perception ? And fixed on what you attention ?
Yaahh ... before that we learned before, computational brain ( computational brain ) that are commonly used to perceive information about the environment, understand its world , and process information . After that we will shift the perception of the current study sensory signals for this reason that the first stage of information processing .
The brain is the center of this whole process , for treating brain and put on the information received from the peripheral nervous system ( pheripheral nervous system ) . The system is composed of nerves that lie outside the spinal cord or brain and is involved in sensation and perception .
We moved on the concept of ' brain computational ' is based on the idea that the mind is the brain of any sort is done , that we information. when processing perform " high-level cognition " as figure out how to get a scholarship , so what we think will be the future of the future? And so on .
In cognitive psychology , we will refer to the physical world (external ) and the mental world ( internal ) . Sensation ( sensation ) refers to early detection of the energy of the physical world or even medium is the impact we have on something . While the perception ( perception ) that involve high-level cognition in interpret of sensory information , or we can say that the perception of our perspective on things. Attention ( attention ) the concentration or focus we have on a case . Or more clearly is of concentration , in a clear and understandable form , for a total stimulus object or group mind .
In the discussion this time , we will offend the iconic storage and ekhoik . Iconic storage , Neisser ( 1967 ) named the visual effects capabilities to settle for a short time ( until it can be processed more) as iconic memory ( iconic memory ) . Iconic storage conjunction with our visual senses . As an example , we are shown a picture slide , and there are various pictures. There, we are told to look in about 5 seconds, after which we were asked what we would capture the moment in time . And what a successful outcome was caught iconic storage processes . While keeping ekhoik , Neisser (1967 ) Memory call ekhoik ( echoic memory ) where the audio effects that can live for a short time ( until it can be processed more about ) . Ekhoik keeping this very relation to our audio senses . As for example, just as an example on iconic storage , only we use different senses, namely the listener senses  our ears .
That was how we understand what the perception , sensation , and attention . All effects , perspective , and our attention to a case . Whatever the perception , sensation , and we experience all attention will happen to us and will be different for other people . And when we take action to perceive , sensation , and attend should not only involve the selfishness of one of the visual and audio senses . Because the two senses should be done in a balanced way so that we give and get sharper valid.

" Great mind capable of doing great evil or the great welfare . " - Rene Descartes

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