
Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 November 2013 0 komentar

Every holiday, i always wait it be spirit. Yes ... spirit, because the mind is always pictured my two beloved facial, (mom & dad). Saturday, November 2, 2013 I had planned to go home.
            Two and a half hour trip Malang - Blitar I passed with enthusiasm and joy. Was the way it was also a lot of things that did not escape my notice. Start the bus overcrowding, congestion, the scenery along the way and more routine human child that I saw.
            However there is one thing that made the focus for a few moments. Accident, that occurred between a motor driver with a pickup truck. Maybe Similarly buddy readers, every journey must pass many of the events or what is around you that gets attention and makes a distinct impression.
            To understand what is around us must require awareness of ourselves awake position. This is necessary so that we can see, enjoy, or even take the information from what we see around us.
            The process of retrieval of information about what is around us is called Recall of knowledge. Recal of this knowledge we can also say given the knowledge that is part of an awareness. Perhaps the definition of consciousness here will be different from what we know so far. Awareness here diartiakn as alert someone to the event - dilingkunagnya events (such as sights, and sounds - sounds that exist in its environment) and also events - events which include cognitive memory, thoughts, feelings, and sensations - physical sensations (Solso, Maclin & Maclin, 2007).
Surely among us throughout the day also had conscious experiences but sometimes we do not realize. The numbers were so many, even perhaps sometimes forgotten and we are not aware of. Almost every daily routines and we experienced what the conscious experience. An example is when we walk we saw segrombolan campus students who go to school, we see trash strewn possible or when we are discussing with friends in class.
From here maybe we will realize that we are required in almost every daily consciousness and we will also realize the importance of awareness in ourselves. Without consciousness we would not have been able assaulted, know or understand what is around us.
From here maybe we will Realize that we are required in almost every daily consciousness and we will also Realize the importance of awareness in ourselves. Without consciousness we would not have been assaulted Able, know or understand what is around us.
Robert, S.,Maclin & Maclin. 2007. Psikologi Kognitif. Jakarta : Erlangga

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