Social Developments

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 November 2013 0 komentar
Social development is the development of the ability to behave in accordance with the demands of social (social demands) . People who are able to socialize will gain social acceptance (social acceptance) and social rewards (social honorable mention ) .
Socialization process contains three basic elements :1 . Learning to behave socially acceptable . Every community / social group has standards / rules that bind its members . To be able to socialize / society individuals are required to determine acceptable behavior and adjust behavior to an acceptable standard .2 . Plays a social role that is acceptable . For example : the role of parents, children , students , teachers and so on . Each of these roles are undertaken by individuals containing certain behavioral consequences established by each community .3 . The development of social attitudes . To be able to socialize with a lot of good people have to get along with others and love the social activities that exist in the environment .Third socialization process is not always successfully carried out by an individual . Based on the level of success in socializing , individuals were categorized into four groups :1 . People are social ; are successful in implementing three processes of socialization social acceptance and appreciation of the social community.2 . The non- social person is one who does not succeed in carrying out the process of socialization .3 . People are not social ( unsocial ) is a non- social people who do not know what is required by community groups , so that their behavior does not meet social demands .4 . Anti- social people are non- social people who know the demands that exist in the community, but it shows the attitude of the opposition to the demands / rules that are inside .
Social behavior or social behavior fostered since the early days of life . Early social experience will determine the child's future personality . Many happy experience will encourage children to seek the same experience and be social people , and vice versa . Home or family is a " place of learning " for children social skills

source : Mar'at , Samsunuwiyati . , 2005. Psikologi Perkembangan . Remaja Rosdakarya :Bandung

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