Motivation from me in Friday's (15/11/2013)

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 16 November 2013 0 komentar

Who does not know the word GALAU again?

Actually what is the GALAU? According KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), ga·lau a, ber·ga·lau a sibuk beramai-ramai; ramai sekali; kacau tidak keruan (pikiran);
ke·ga·lau·an n sifat (keadaan hal) galau.
So, it is a troubled state of mind at the time messed up or not known. What matters is not in accordance with the will of our hearts, we will make an unusual new problems in life. Though life will never escape from a problem until death comes to us. We tend to make it more of a problem than the actual. It means that we tend to always think about the issue.
Many social sites to get the word GALAU. A fight with a girlfriend, we are troubled; breaking up with a boyfriend, adds confusion; scolded the parents, the troubled, plus pocket money so we will be less confusion. It is true that man's name is always less and would like to ask more. Whereas Allah has created everything that is needed by the man himself.
In my opinion, God created a sense Galau it is that we as a servant to draw closer to Him and to Him for help. If we think further about his power, then we will never feel what is called GALAU, but we will always be grateful for all the blessings that have been given by God to us.
So, from now on for all of us (
especially for me) for many grateful for the blessings that have been given by God to us.

So thank you ......

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