Functionalist flow ( Functional Psycology )

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 November 2013 0 komentar
Psychology flow is a reaction to structuralism about mental states . If the structuralist asks " What 's consciousness " , the functionalist asked " to what 's consciousness " . What is the purpose and function ? Because you want to learn how people use mental experience to adjust to the surrounding environment , they are called functionalist .
Functionalism is a tendency in psychology which states that the mind , mental processes , sensory perception and emotions are adaptive biological organisms . Drever ( 1988 ) refer to as a kind of psychological functionalism which underlines the functions and not just the facts of mental phenomena , or trying to interpret the mental phenomena in terms of the role it plays in the life of the organism , and not describe or analyze the facts of experience or behavior or a psychological approach the subject matter from the point of view of a dynamic rather than a static viewpoint .
Whatever the formulation of functionalism , the flow is essentially a psychological doctrine that such a process or state of conscious free will , thought , emotionless , perceiving and mengindrai are activities or operations of a physical interrelationships of organisms in a physical environment and can not given the existence of important . These activities facilitate the control of the organism , survival , adaptation , engagement or withdrawal , recognition , direction , and others . The whole organism can be analyzed as a system of feedback and stimulus response .
Functionalism is a growing understanding in the United States with the properties of Americans are very practical and pragmatic . Structuralism , on the other hand , grew up in Germany , in the midst of a nation known for its expertise in philosophizing and theorizing . By itself , this raises different backgrounds are also various differences in views between the two streams .
The first difference , lies in his approach , structuralism approach a psychic phenomenon in structural : that is to say , consciousness experiences analyzed in its elements . The question that arises in the face of a behavior is " What are the elements and how these elements combine ? " Functionalism , on the other hand , approaching a functional psychological symptoms . Experience of consciousness seen in relation to the function of life and function to adjust , both psychologically and socially . The question that arises in the face of behavior is " Why and for what it's done for a person 's behavior ? "
The second difference , is structuralism attention to the content of one's soul while functionalism is more focused action from someone .
The third difference , if structuralism assumes that one's soul is an amalgamation of various experiences of consciousness , functionalism assumes that a person's soul is needed for adjustment .
That interest functionalism flow is the goal or end of an activity . As the name implies , functionalism learn " function " of the behavior and mental processes , not only to study its structure . The flow figures are William Jamews , R.Angell , and John Dewey .

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