Posted by Unknown
Kamis, 12 September 2013
Prejudice is a predisposition to provide an assessment that discriminate against certain individuals or groups. According to transactional analysis, this happens because the way of life that we gain from experiences from childhood or past makes us unable to see clearly the true state.
We have certain expectations about others-often negative expectations - because of their gender, ethnicity, religion or group differences. Such expectations are often not taught in our frankly, but removed from our examination of those prejudices that affect our childhood.
Sometimes prejudice can make someone who lacks confidence to feel better. Prejudice can make people look down on other people. Indeed, it is precisely thus complicating efforts to identify and eliminate prejudice. People who are highly controlled prejudice usually always feel insecure and are stiff.
They always try to overcome their doubts and fears with degrading others, cast blame on others, and embracing a dogmatic ideology. Aware of the nature, makes us not easily angered her. Such people are not going to be good when faced with the harsh and demanding attitude; should, they need a sense of security and calm, before being able to eliminate unfavorable attitude.
Refrensi :
By : Ummi Sholihah (12410012)
3 komentar:
prejudice is the initial perception that we spend the first time we see an object
then do the same with setereotip?
Raden Harjuno (12410130)
a good statement,..individual has a basic tendency of negative bias that is described in cognitive psychology, so basically people will tend to judge the bad side of someone else (Mamluatul Hasanah_12410139)
knowledge of prejudice dosn't only exist in psychology alone, even very widespread in science begins in the Qur'an. This is a basic but very important lesson for our fellow human beings. (SILVIA QOTRUNNADA-12410182)
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