Second Puberty or Middle Age Crisis ?

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 19 September 2013 4 komentar

       Second puberty is a condition experienced by men or women ( between ages 40-60 ) which was there are behavioral similarities such as children begin puberty. Second puberty certainly scientifically inaccurate. Either men or women only once undergo change from children to adults. But the review should then be held, when the stage of development there is a missing link. According to the gestalt stream, there's always "unfinished business" in a human being who will charge one day. Like terms of “less happy on childhood“, if not handled properly will 'charge' in an era where the stage should not happen. then it will appear a stigma : “sudah tua kok masih kayak anak muda ?” Actually, the people like that just completes a part of their lives lost and certain everyone will pass this phase. Middle age crisis is defined as a period of difficulty , turbulent , doubty , and reassess one's life . If someone wants to get married intimacy period ( usually 20-30 years ), then in the late 40s the questions that arise are worth a lot of doubty or revaluation . such as :
" If I was wrong promiscuous husbands / wives ? "
" Why another peoples finance successfull and mine still stagnan ?

Love is not just the one problem which appear in middle age crissis era. There are many thing getting stuck and disappointed. Because the age of 40s should be promising in the developmental stages of maturity should be reached generativity : to produce something, bequeathing something , prepare generation and the next relay. When stout it has not been met, people will be angry. Middle age crisis experienced by men and women .
Boredom , stagnation , frustration easily perch. To overcome this problem please do the following : be calm , communication is very important, vent, get involved in positive activities, exercising and eating a healthy diet.
 Because Around age 40 should be promising maturity. that the development should have reached the stage of Generativity: to produce something, bequeathing something, to prepare the next generation and relay. When many things have not fulfiled yet, people will anxious. Midlife crisis experienced by men and women. Boredom, frustration and stagnancy will easy to perch. To overcome these please do the following: be calm, communication is very important, confide, involved in positive activities, exercising and eating healthy foods.

4 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

in fact, a second puberty that occurs in humans who have aged it never happened. what happens is the lack of attention in the can by them so that they tend to exhibit excessive behavior to get the love of the people nearby. and this is what is usually called a second puberty.(SILVIA QOTRUNNADA-12410182)

Unknown mengatakan...
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Unknown mengatakan...

i aggre with you silvi, because as we know that puberty only happened in a section, no more,,,,,specially when the human in childhood,Puberty (puberty) is a rapid change in the physical maturity that covers the body and hormonal changes that occur mainly during early adolescence. (Santrock, Adolescene, 2003: 87). The term comes from the word puberty puberty (ie pubescent). Another word pubescere means getting or pubescent pubic hair, which is a secondary sex signs indicating sexual development. (Monks, 2006: 263). Puberty is a period of transition and overlap. Puberty is said to be in transition because the transition between childhood to adolescence and is said to overlap because some biological-psychological characteristics of childhood still has, while teenagers also possesses several traits.
In Piaget's theory of cognitive development, adolescence is a phase transition from the use of concrete operational thinking to formal operational thinking. and Piaget learned that the brain changes at puberty may be necessary for the progress of cognitive teens. They assess, experience with complex problems,base on formal teaching, and the exchange of opposing ideas with youth groups, necessary for the development of operational thinking....(Nurul hidayah 12410179)

Unknown mengatakan...

I also agree with silvi, but it is also due to second puberty they have undergone a process of returning to their past, and the cycle of human development is actually not forward, but backward to go back to the very beginning.

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