Being Yourself Seen From The Side Psychological

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 September 2013 5 komentar
Imagine yourself buying a new car. What do you feel? Happy and unhappy? Now imagine you managed to do something which has always really wanted to do. As in, geet the job you desire, reach the top of a mountain you want to climb first, or succesfully make a perfect recipe. What do you feel? Happy and unhappy? Are there differences in feelings of pleasure and happy in both the shadows? Since ancient Greece, Aristoteles already feel that there are ither happiness than the happiness that just gives a sense of pleasure, such as buying a new car, feel the pleasure hangover after drinking alcohol, having sex and other. If Aristoteles called hhappiness is the cause of pleasure as Hedonic happines, Aristoteles called happines “other” as Eudamonic happiness, which is when a person feels his life has run potential to the fullest. Eudamonic happiness, according to Aristoteles, hapiness is not empty or missing after the source of happiness that is not visible to the eye or not felt by the sense of taste. For example, a wonderful relationship with someone can bring a smile to our facees,even when the person ia away in the country side, or even died. One way to achieve happiness Eudamonic is to be yourself. As an illustration, imagine an accountant who feels that he is more than happy to be a painter. Of course he would feel happier if the switched professions to become a painter (or at least get the opportunity to participate in a weekend tutoring painting). Or another example, a wife who feels guilty because she was attracted to his co-workers at the office. This guilt (which inhibits the feeling happiness) can be elimited by accepting the fact that she is attracted to someone other thhan her husband, and it’s okay as long as he’s not having an affair with that person. Reference : Name : Zinti Munazzah (12410013)

5 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Ok, im agree with you, happiness can only be achieved if we follow our hearts. but we also have to look at the circumstances surrounding us, because as we know that our society can not accept change too suddenly or over a trivial ideals as long as we do not destroy the norms existing. Subhanallah Ramdhan (12410165)

Unknown mengatakan...

I agree with you, because true happiness which first emerged from the self is where happiness that come from the heart.
it would be nice if we know ourselves, how we are and how the nature of our behavior, in social interaction with other people, but it is difficult and needs a lot of learning in conditioning themselves. Before we learn about other people because we as psychologists candidate hehehe,

hopefully we'll all be successful in learning psychology
keep the spirit and always smiling :-).
Syafitri Rahmania Ulfah (12410149).

Unknown mengatakan...

I agree with you, that happiness should be impulsive, but as people who have the knowledge and religious people ,we have learned about the rules or norms that already exist, because we live not alone but we are in the community who also have the obligations and rights in various things such as happiness,

Sometimes hope is not in accordance with reality, but it is something that's meant to us, so we should be grateful and positive attitude,

good article,,,,,,,,,,,,,always keep sprit and keep smile(Nurul HIdayah_12410179)

Unknown mengatakan...

I think so,..because happiness is relative, it's not same with another person. happiness and feeling are something that we can feel by ourselves, and it can be obtained by satisfying complacency. (Mamluatul Hasanah_12410139)

Unknown mengatakan...

when I saw your post title I was intrigued by the title you are being yourself. but when I read the full article turns you talk more about happiness.
happiness is the right of all people to feel it but unfortunately there are some people who are very difficult to feel it because of the conditions and the time they didn't allow them to be happy.
and happiness for ourselves is that we create ourselves, not because someone else is forcing us to get out of our true self or to others to be as they want. by being yourself then multiplied happiness will come to us.
nice article.... (lailatul badriyah 12410186)

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