Posted by Unknown Rabu, 18 September 2013 8 komentar
The word emotion comes from the Latin , which emovere , which means moving away . Meaning of this word implies that the tendency to act is implicit in emotion . According to Daniel Goleman (2002 : 411 ) refers to a feeling of emotion and thought are typical , a state and a series of biological and psychological tendencies to act . Emotion is basically impulse to act .Usually emotions are reactions to stimuli from outside and within the individual . For example excited emotions drive change a person's mood , so physiologically seen laughing , sad emotion crying encourage someone behaves .Emotional and physiological changes associated with various thoughts . Thus , emotion is one important aspect of human life , because emotions can be a motivator of behavior in the sense of improving , but it can also interfere with human intentional behavior . ( Prawitasari , 1995)understanding EmotionsSome figures put forward about the various emotions , such as Descartes . According to Descartes , emotions are divided into : Desire ( desire ) , hate ( hate ) , Sorrow ( sadness / grief ) , Wonder ( wonder ) , Love ( love ) and Joy ( joy ) . While JB Watson presents three kinds of emotions , namely fear ( fear ) , Rage ( anger ) , Love ( love ) .Daniel Goleman (2002 : 411 ) suggests some kind of emotion that is not much different from the above two figures , namely :a. Anger : fury , rage , hate , annoyed , upset heartb . Sadness : poignant , sad , grim , grim , melancholy , self love , despairc . Fear : anxious , nervous , worried , anxious , feeling scared, wary , edgy , horrord . Enjoyment : happy , happy , cheerful , contented , cheerful , happy , amused , proude . Love : acceptance , friendship , trust , kindness , a sense of close , devotion , respect , and affectionf . Surprised : gasp , shockedg . Miffed : contempt, contempt , disgust , nausea , did not likeh . embarrassed : embarrassed , upsetAs described above , that all emotion by Goleman is basically impulse to act . So the range of emotions that encourage individuals to respond or act against the existing stimulus .

RADEN HARJUNO (12410130)

8 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Good idea,,
Emotion is a reaction to stimuli from outside or from within individual.misalnya only myself, when I am emotional or angry at someone that sometimes cause there myself. and the second was from the neighborhood where I live. And I tend to cry when sad, emotional and physiological changes associated with various thoughts. Thus, emotion is one important aspect of human life, because emotions can be a motivator of behavior in the sense of improving, but it can also interfere with human intentional behavior.
Nama:Siti Maisyaroh(12410027)

Unknown mengatakan...

i think emotion is something that every human being, we can know what is sad, crying, laughing, happy, and others. feelings and emotions that reflect how we behave.. (SILVIA QOTRUNNADA-12410182)

Unknown mengatakan...

thank you very much for your information ... .

Ganal Arief Rahmawan 12410163

Unknown mengatakan...

My Opinion Same With Ganal

Subhanallah Ramdhan 12410165

Unknown mengatakan...

emotion's very important in our life,,,but we have to combine between emotion and spiritual emotion,,to make our life to be better(nurul hidayah 12410179)

Unknown mengatakan...

thank for your article, this is very useful, and of course increase my knowledge

Filulujiya catur W.B. (12410157)

Unknown mengatakan...

whether emotions can be in control of every person through therapy - psychotherapy and capable of removing a bit of an attitude or a bad trait?

Unknown mengatakan...

selly candra ayu.

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