Posted by Unknown
Rabu, 11 September 2013
In essence, every person that has emotions. Of waking up the morning until bedtime the night, we had a variety of experiences that evoke various emotions anyway. At the breakfast table with the family, for example, we feel excited, or on the way to the office or campus, we feel annoyed because a traffic jam, so after a tubal at the destination, we feel ashamed for being late. All of that is our emotions.
So if in fact it is an emotion? According to William James (the Wedge, 1995), emotion is "a tendency to have a peculiar feeling when dealing with certain objects in the environment. ". Crow & Crow (1962) interprets emotions as the others "A turbulent conditions in the individual that serves as the inner adjustment (adjusment) to the environment to achieve well-being and safety of individuals. From these definitions, it is clear that emotions are not always bad. Emotion, in the words Jalaluddin Rahmat (1994), "gives spice to life without emotion, life is dry and arid.
From which emotions arise, what you know?? Whether of mind or of body? Presumably, no one can answer with certainty. Some say the first action (body), emerging emotions. There are also those who say emotions first (mind), emerging acts. Which one came first is not important for us because the actions and emotions are essentially very closely related. We could not separate the actions and emotions. Because they are both part of entirety.In our lives right now, we are not likely to leave emotions, because emotions are energy generation for us, without our emotions unconscious or dead. But most people interpret the emotions of a bad thing.
Nama:Siti Maisyaroh(12410027)
Sobur, Alex, Drs, (2003).Psikologi Umum.Pustaka setia.Bandung
9 komentar:
i think so,, sometimes, emotions can give positive energy for our lives, but also emotion can destoy the things we have... so, we must can control our emotions, to give positive things for our lives, build good situation and get maximum energi for our best things... :) Dinda Rahmawati-12410168
positive effect, so we have to understand about the definition of emotion rightly,,,,,
may be your article will be better if u explain about the characteristic of emotions such us IQ(intelligence quotient ),EQ(emotional quotient), ESQ(emotional spiritual quotient),,,because when we understand about these component of emotional ,,absolutely we can be a success people in this life,,,,
good article,,,,(Nurul Hidayah_12410179)
It true..Emotions can be positive or negative thing, because it has the power to hurt the feelings of other people, yourself and ruin a good relationship with others. However, our emotions can also build something positive, if used properly, can even be used to better identify yourself. Such as envy, jealousy of others, can motivation to do their best, exceeding the other.But emotions can also lead to negative things and most people interpret it as being a negative emotion. By eliminating emotions can lead to negative effects as well. We can not give the name of the emotions in the past, and which affect life now. Emotions are not recognized can lead to mental illness, physical as well. Dizziness instead of anger, sadness replace tired.Siti Maisyaroh(12410027)
problems that arise in emotional problems, is the management of the emotion itself, because each person has their own way of quality and the management of emotions. yeah of course, ranging from emotional self-management and how we can be able to understand the emotions of others .......... (Ganal Arieff Rahmawan_12410163)
but sometimes people can't control her bad emotion, so that can disturb her self or even someone else dalam berhubungan. It would be better if when we are maintaining our emotions.Always positive thingking, be patient, and move our interest to the something that make you happy. When we are habituating in everywhere, everytime it have the impact goodness for us and everyone. So my beloved friends, let's always keep our emotion.
Tri winarni ( 12410058 )
this is opinion good luck but your opinion less complete. because emotion comes fromnegative thinking, if our not negative tingking then brain impacted good, yet if brain negative tingking then happen impacted ugly,, ,
Hikmah Habibah (12410207)
That's what we need to straighten, actually the term emotion itself is not a bad thing but still have the parts, as proposed by John B.Watson that humans have 3 basic emotions, namely: fear, anger, and love. Not always interpreted the term bad emotion, but sometimes we become emotional fear, emotional angry, or emotional love. And other emotions that are the result of a combination of three kinds of emotions. Emotions similar to the feeling of yes ...
Then what is the difference of the two, emotions & feelings ..?
Harista umamil k. (12410210)
difference emotions and feeling is,,,
Emotion comes from the word "Emotus" or "Emovere" or insult (to stir up) which means: something is pushing against something, such as joy encourage emotional help it.
Example: Emotional upset → involves feeling upset, hate, etc. are visible from the face flushed, breathing irregular, sharp eyes, etc.
Coloring all the emotions and feelings that churned individual self affect physical
Emotion is a strong affective colors accompanied by physical changes
The feeling is of a stimulus response.
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