Kamis, 19 September 2013
Of the constituent words alone, it can be seen that the
sphere is a combination of cognitive neuroscience with cognitive neurological
sciences. It is based on the assumption that the communication between neurons
(nerve cells) underlying the information processing work.
All processes of cognition (eg in the brain) needs help
neurons to
can be processed. We can not remember or interpret the ad if
the neurons do not convey information captured our eyes to the brain.
Therefore, neurology and cognitive are two things that can not be separated.
4 komentar:
I thought it was neurological and cognitive inseparable and interconnected. (SILVIA QOTRUNNADA-12410182)
can you explain more about the chronology of neurological and cognitive,,because it;s make me confuse,,,and what's the difference of neurological and cognitive between physiology(nurul hidayah 12410179
please explaind about history of neurosains kognitive (siti imamatun nafiah 12410007)
HOW senses with people with disabilities, whether neurons to function properly in processing information? (sucinta putri krilia-12410056)
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