Posted by Unknown Minggu, 15 Desember 2013 0 komentar


As God's creatures, we must have been faced with a problem, ranging from mild to difficult or easy though. But we need to know that Allah does not impose on someone, but according to his ability (Surat al-Baqarah (2): 286). Therefore, berpositif thinkinglah to be able solve all existing problems.
Problems will arise if there is a discrepancy between expectations and reality. To resolve the problem, sometimes there are those who can directly solve it quickly, but there is also a fair amount of time to finish it and a lot of consideration. I take an example of the issues surrounding how to enter the real world after graduating from college.
In cognitive psychology perspective, there are some steps that we can solve the problem with exact, proposed by Hayes (1989), including:
1. Identifying the problem: next May I will be graduating from college. This is the end of one stage in my life (time evolving).
2. Representation of the problem: I would be unemployed and do not have opinions. I have to get a job (it can no longer ask for the father and mother).
3. Plan a solution: I will make an application, see the job, and ask for opinions from friends and teachers.
4. Realize the plan: I will make an appointment with an exciting company. I will be interviewed by them.
5. Evaluating plans: I will consider any offers according to your needs and desires and then make my decision. Example: who is offering big salary, long vacations, and retire early.
6. Evaluate the solution: I will reflect on the process of solving this problem and use this knowledge as a way of solving problems in the future.
Sometimes, people are not satisfied with the results of his decision and does not match the initial decision, in fact it could be not resolve the problem but instead add to the problem. Islam also teaches them how to handle it well, some of which are:
1. Positive in dealing with the problem. See a problem as an opportunity to improve the weaknesses that exist within.
2. Do not rush to finish it. The Prophet SAW said: "
smth-quiet it was from God and was rushed from the devil".
3. Refer to people who've been there.
4. Focus on the problem peaks. Find out what the heart of the matter.
5. Make hypotheses result. If there is a lot of negative impressions, then that option ought to be reconsidered.
6. Benediction and resignation. Pergantungan themselves and hope to Allah SWT is very important in order to guide us in finding solutions to the problems faced.

Quite so, hopefully this article useful!!!

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